We’re led by someone much bigger and more capable than ourselves — Jesus! That’s WHO we’re about, and WHO we follow and WHO calls us to our mission.
Our Mission
To develop spiritual infrastructure for the advancement of the Gospel through church planting, church leadership training and children’s ministries.
Our History
In February 2006 we began with a clear vision to plant a church in Playa Jaco. Our first services were held in Playa Hermosa for over a year and a half. We met under a mango tree at a small school near the beach. In early 2007 a commercial center became available in downtown Jaco and became our first church space. We added a second story to make room for a children’s ministry and began hosting services. 98 people attended our first service and God continued to grow the ministry. As we outgrew the commercial space, we prayed that God would provide land to build a permanent facility for the church.
In 2012 a miracle happened, and God provided the funds necessary to purchase land and we began construction one year later! The process to build was long, but with the help of our friends, family, and amazing supporters we held our first service in our new facility in June 2014. Over the years this permanent facility has been a huge blessing in so many ways. We had the capacity to host many outreach events and ministry training. In 2017 we completed construction of a multi-use gymnasium which allowed us to host weekly youth services and expand our ministry events.
God has given us a passion for equipping leaders for work in the ministry. We worked directly with a seminary in San Jose to provide scholarships programs to train leaders in both the bachelor and master’s degree levels. After several years, it became clear to us that this model was not sustainable, and that God was calling us to establish ad adult Bible Institute and Christian Academy for children. In November 2017, God provided the funds to purchase land and expand our property to become the home of these new facilities!
Today, we are developing the land and beginning construction for the Bible Institute and Christian Academy while continuing the ministry of our local church. We are excited to see what God will continue to do and look forward to you joining us on this journey.